Picture by Glòria Maspoch |
Drawing by Gerard Hostench |
Build a slide presentation
Today we are going to summarize our fractal work. In order to do so, gather in groups of 4 people and build a slide presentation containing the following points:
- What is a fractal?
- Who first talked about fractals? When was it?
- Can you list the different types of fractals?
- Which are the most popular types of fractals?
- Summary of the Sierpinsky triangle construction with pictures.
- What is a Jurassic Park fractal? How is it built? Why do you think it has such a name?
- Explain how to build a Koch snowflake fractal. Which relationship exists between Koch snowflake fractal and the coast of Australia?
- Nature is full of fractals. Insert some picture examples and explain why they are said to be fractals.
- Vocabulary of the project.
- Your opinion about the project.
Next day you'll present your slides to the class. To evaluate the oral presentation, we'll use the following
Extra resources
Sometimes it's nice designing our own fractal using specific software. Here you have a couple of links about it:
today, we have started a presentation about what we learnt about fractals in this subject.